Tuesday 11 July 2023

Retirement Looming

With my retirement less than a couple of months away I have been contemplating what I would do after that. Some say that I still "have it" in me, so I should work at least another five years. So, do they mean that I will have nothing left in me after 65? 

Some say I should work for as long as I can. Is that 70? Many say that with my expertise (overvalued) I have some kind of a moral duty to give it back. To whom, I ask?

Haven't I given whatever I could? All of us have done that. Especially those working in goverment jobs have given their personal and family lives away for measly salaries. I often regret that I could have given a lot more to my wife and children - time and love, association and hugs. Can I compensate them for that? Too late, I think. 

Then I think, "What the heck! Why should I work any more?" I will get a reasonable above-sustenance pension, medical expenses taken care of, already have a house a flat, not a sarkari palace, though. Why not learn some exotic cooking? Induge in some serious writing?

They talk of the world tour that one should embark upon. Well, that takes a lot more wealth than my pension funds provide for. 

Shouldn't I spend more mornings and evenings with my life partner sipping away cups of tea, she black and I regular. Why not make a trip to my children abroad for a few weeks each and walk my grandchildren (when I have them)?  When will I sit in that rocking chair and flip those photo albums, physical and digital, if not now?

I have played all my cards, or have I? Another ace left?

Still thinking ...