Sunday 10 February 2013

Goodbye, Facebook!

Decided to take a week off from the constant intrusion of Facebook into my life. But none noticed. Then I wrote this to some of my dear friends.

Dear Friends,

Don’t tell me that you did not notice the dispirited me for the entire week. Did the looks of loss on my face, the downhearted gait, the furtive glances at the faces around, the gut-wrenching groans, the dishevelled looks, the fidgety fingers, the agony of de-addiction all go unnoticed?

I went off Facebook for the entire week and the world did not come to an end! My dearest ones did not even notice the absence of my ranting and statuses, the thoughtful photo-posts of my dog-chewing-on-his-blanket, nor even the likes I would award after profound pondering. I had such a bunch of thankless, loveless and disinterested circle of near and dear ones, and I mistook them for my friends! What has the social network come to?

I decided to take a sabbatical from the Facebook. This happened after my boss found me keying time-line posts, shooting off likes and sending birthday wishes during meetings from under the desk. This was also triggered when my wife caught me shooting off messages with greasy fingers on my newly-acquire Note-II, while munching my breakfast and muttering nothingness to her. So, rather than deleting my account, I deactivated it, much the way a drug-addict stashes away a few sachets of Cocaine or vials of Ecstasy, just in case. Zuckerberg knew that the addict would come back to him, again and again. Hence, the option of de-activation.

So, here I am, friends! Back in the arms of Marky, the drug lord. Pablo Escobar must be turning in his grave.

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